To all Junior Black Belts,

This is Master Tramontano. I would like to take a moment to speak with you.  Together, we have accomplished some amazing things.  Think for a second, you are a Black Belt!  I am proud of you and what you have accomplished at such a young age.

However, I have one more job that needs to be done before I can say I am happy with my work.  I must get you to come back to West Boca Karate for three more months.  Here is why. When a student receives their Black Belt, at a young age, they don’t realize as they grow towards becoming an adult what a gift they have been given or truly what they are capable of.  I need you to give me this opportunity so that I can do this for you.  I will get you to see a difference in yourself and how to project yourself so others may see this also.

You must be 15 years old and have accomplished getting your Junior Dan.

There will be NO CHARGE for the three months.  I view these 3 months as an obligation I owe you.  I am sure you will need a uniform and I expect you to pay for the uniform. These 3 months will not give you a “Senior Black Belt” but they will make you realize the power within you.

It should never be about what you’re getting. It should always be about what you are becoming.

Master Ron Tramontano